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Well, when a chick is four to six weeks of age you should be able to tell just by picking it up. Pick up the chick with two hands and hold it so that its stomach is facing straight ahead. Hens should pull their legs in and roosters should kick around and try to lose your grip. Just remember to be calm while picking up the chicks though.

When they are full grown you should be able to tell just by looking at them. Roosters usually have a longer comb and gobble. They should have spurs on the inside of their legs (unless the spurs have been removed.) When the rooster is around six months of age they should start to crow. Hens have shorter combs and gobbles and do not crow.

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16y ago

Hold the chicken inside your hand then flip your hand upside down if the chicken doesn't tryto flip over its a hen but if it does it's a male.

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