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The molecule has a recepter binded is and thius binding changes the shape which is critial for the affects on how a receptor interacts with other molecules.

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Only certain cells respond to a specific ligand because they express the appropriate receptor on their cell surface that can bind to the ligand. The binding of the ligand to the receptor triggers a specific signaling pathway within the cell that leads to a response. Cells without the corresponding receptor will not respond to that particular ligand.

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Q: When cells release ligands they are sent though the blood stream to every area of the body why do you think that only certain types of cells will reapond to a particular ligand?
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How is chelation responsible for weathering?

Chelation is the process by which metals are bound and transported by organic compounds, such as organic ligands. In weathering, chelation can enhance the breakdown of rocks and minerals, as organic ligands can weaken chemical bonds in the minerals, making them more susceptible to physical and chemical weathering processes. This can ultimately lead to the release of metals and nutrients into the environment.

What happeneds when atoms get excited?

Atoms release a particular color of light

Modified natural polymers for drug delivery?

Modified natural polymers, such as chitosan or hyaluronic acid, can be chemically modified to improve their drug delivery properties, such as biocompatibility, controlled release, and targeted delivery to specific tissues. By incorporating functionalities like pH sensitivity or ligands for specific receptors, these polymers can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of drug delivery systems. Overall, modified natural polymers offer a promising avenue for developing advanced drug delivery platforms with better therapeutic outcomes.

What happens to certain nutrient molocules after they pass into muscle cells?

they are acted on by enzymea and release the energy they contain

Why do certain solutes dissolved in water release heat and other solutes do not?

When certain solutes dissolve in water, they interact with the water molecules in a way that releases energy in the form of heat. This is often because the solute-water interactions are exothermic, meaning they release energy as they form. Solute molecules that do not have exothermic interactions with water will not release heat upon dissolving.

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What happeneds when atoms get excited?

Atoms release a particular color of light

How does a negative feedback system work explain how negative feedback regulates the amount of thyroxine in the blood?

When the amount of a particular hormone in the blood is reaches a certain level, the endocrine system sends signals to stop the release of that hormone. "Pearson Education Inc."

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A Certain Sacrifice - 2011 was released on: USA: 24 July 2011

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Modified natural polymers for drug delivery?

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Certain Adverse Events - 2009 was released on: USA: June 2009

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