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Q: When cooled enough water vapor Blank into tiny water droplets?
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When warm water vapor is cooled by colder air is it turn into tiny water droplets?

yes, it condenses. thats why it rains. clouds become too heavy and water droplets (rain) fall. if the air is cold as it falls it can become snow or hail.

Why do clouds form before rain?

Clouds form when water vapor condenses into tiny liquid droplets. If enough condensation occurs in a cloud then some of the droplets will grow bigger and fall as rain.

What are the water droplets on cars or grass in the early morning?

The water droplets known as dew form when the air temperature passes below the "dew point" and water vapor condenses from the air onto the cooler objects. When cooled, air can no longer hold as much moisture.

What is a cloud?

== == Very simply, a cloud is "FOG" that is above the Earth's surface, rather than in contact with the ground.Clouds and fog are one and the same thing, very tiny droplets of condensed water vapor, so small that they do not have enough weight to fall to the Earth, and consequently they just float around in the air. IF and when enough of these droplets of condensed water vapor, collide and stick together, they become heavy enough for gravity to cause them to fall to Earth, and that is what we call rain. Other forms of precipitation occur when the vapor (or rain) is exposed to colder temperatures. === ===Clouds are formed when water vapour in the air is cooled and condenses as part of the water cycle. Clouds consist of billions of tiny water droplets (and even ice crystals) floating in the sky and appear in a variety of shapes and sizes depending on how and where they formed.I found this answer at this helps.

What are floating water droplets called?

Water Vapor

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When cooled enough water vapor into water droplets?


When the water vapor in rising air condenses it forms what?

This is strait from the apex questions. ITS DEW POINT - C.

What is a denotation and not a connotation of the word rain?

Liquid water droplets that have condensed from atmospheric vapor. When enough of these droplets have accumulated in the clouds, they become heavy enough to fall to earth.

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What effect do rapidly cooling temperatures have on the water cycle?

There is usually some water vapor in the air. When the air cools rapidly, the water vapor condenses into water droplets. Clouds are made up of these water droplets (or ice crystals, if it is cold enough). If the droplets get large enough, they fall to the ground as rain.

Water vapor droplets can become cloud droplets when the is reached.?

Water vapor droplets can become cloud droplets when the what reaches? dew point is the correct answer

Today you can expect the ground to get cold enough for vapor in the air to condense into water droplets which will be deposited on the ground?

The deposit of water droplets on the ground is known as dew.

What is the process by which water vapor becomes clouds droplets?


Are clouds made up of vapor or droplets?

Clouds are made of vapor, but when the vapor gets too dense, droplets form, fall, and become rain.

How does the gas form of water vapor differ from a cloud?

clouds are very, very tiny droplets of water in liquid form. The droplets are small enough for the air molecules bouncing around to keep them suspended. When enough tiny droplets combine, the droplet weight is enough to cause them to fall, making rain.

Why water droplets are formed on surface of gas cylinder?

They condense in the time period because of evaporation, therefore trapping the water vapor inside the glass and when there are enough vapor, like a cloud with rain, the water starts to form droplets and fall downward.

When warm water vapor is cooled by colder air is it turn into tiny water droplets?

yes, it condenses. thats why it rains. clouds become too heavy and water droplets (rain) fall. if the air is cold as it falls it can become snow or hail.