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No, other programs work just as good, including the programs that are pre-installed on most computers. Sky digital is mostly unheard of and may not work as well as other free programs.Try using the programs on your computer.

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What is the type of camera records pictures electronically rather than using film?

A digital camera.

What is the uses of a digital camera?

To make digital pictures. One doesn't need celluloid film anymore. Using digital memory card for storing the pictures (reuseable). And no need to go to a Photo Shop. One can view the pictures instantly, can print it or share it over mobile,laptop in the social media

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How do you take pictures for EBay?

Using a digital camera. You then upload them to the computer. Or, if you use a film camera, you can scan the pictures into the computer on get the photos put on a disc which you can upload to the computer

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The internet is a wonderful source for finding pictures. I would recommend using the official Fresh Prince of BelAire website to obtain pictures of Carlton Banks.

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Freelance Photo Online is owned by a woman named Denise Reynolds. She has no educational background in digital photography. Her bio does not refect her true past. I would not recommend using her studio. Most pictures posted are of herself, including explicit pictures. Definitely not a family oriented studio.

What is the use of a camera?

To make digital pictures. One doesn't need celluloid film anymore. Using digital memory card for storing the pictures (reuseable). And no need to go to a Photo Shop. One can view the pictures instantly, can print it or share it over mobile,laptop in the social media

Cherishing Your Digital Photography?

Once you take pictures using a digital camera, you may be wondering how you can cherish those prints on your computer. Many people try their hardest to print the pictures out on generic paper using a generic printer. Unfortunately, the quality of the photo is often lost when you do your own printing. That is why it's important to find a company that can do quality digital printing. You can easily send your computer pictures to them and have them printed on high quality paper. You can then cherish your photography by putting it into albums or into a scrapbook.

What are the advantages of using optical zoom?

If you use an optical zoom, you can take pictures without getting really close to things. An optical zoom is better than a digital zoom, because an optical zoom does not cause pictures to be pixely or grainy, and digital zooms often do.

Is the vivitar vivicam 8225 8.1 MP digital camera a good camera?

That all matters on opinion. I have that camera, and personally I do not like it. It has pretty good pictures if you take the time and hold still, but a lot of the pictures it takes comes out blurry. I've had it take very clear pictures occasionally, and I'm not sure if it's just me or if the camera's ability to take motion pictures(even the slightest bit of motion) sucks. I wouldn't recommend it if you're planning on using it to take clear and good quality pictures though.