

When did America take over Germany?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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In WWll

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Q: When did America take over Germany?
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Why does Germany try to take over Berlin?

Berlin was and is the capital of Germany. Germany never tried to take over Berlin.

Why did America not want Germany to take over Europe?

America did not want Germany to take Europe for many reasons. First and foremost is the fact that America was afraid that if Germany was able to take Europe there would be no stopping them. Another reason which really wasn't known about widely until the war end, was the fact that Germany was exterminating not only the Jews but anyone the NAZI party thought undiserable. It didn't matter if you were a normal person, that was not the consideration, what was important at that time was the fact that everyone had to do what was best for the country, in this case, Germany. Germany was practicing a very extereme verison of Eugenics. Eugenics was a psuedo science started in North America and moved over to Europe. America practiced Eugenics, but not the extent Germany did. Hope this helps, but I would suggest further research......

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America never joined/allied with Germany in World War I and II. America was an ally and Germany was an axis. But America did join partially because of Germany. Germany announced that they would use their submarines on anyone and America felt threatened and decided they needed to take action. Germany also contacted Mexico and asked Mexico to help Germany defeat America.

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Germany wanted to take over russia.

What started the allies to take over Germany?

the allies wanted to take over Germany because Germany killed alot of theire during ww2. They also wanted to because Germany lot of money to them.

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they wanted to take them over because of the things they had

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When did Hitler take over in Germany?

in 1933.

What date did the allies take over Germany?

VE-Day should be the official date that allies take over Germany which is on 8 May 1945.

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