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LaVoisier did not invent a "periodic" table, he simply was one of the first to make a scientific list of elements, doing so in 1789 with Traité Élémentaire de Chimie . However, this list was not "periodic" in that he made no attempt to line them up by chemical qualities. When this was done by Mendele'ev about 100 years later, a major breakthrough in chemistry was achieved.

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Q: When did Antoine Lavoisier invented the first periodic table?
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Who first introduced the concept of conservation of mass in a chemical reaction?

Antoine Lavoisier

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You are probably thinking of Antoine Lavoisier.

Who are the Other scientists that arrange the periodic table?

Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier and John Newlands were first to dicover the table but later the scientist named dimitri mendeleev full arranged the elements discovered at that time

What year was the periodic table published in?

The first slightly inaccurate Periodic Table of Elements was invented in the mid 1800's. Then Henry Mosley found the mistakes and re-corrected them in the early 1900's, which now is our current periodic table that we use.

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The French chemist Antoine Lavoisier first proposed the law of conservation of mass which states the total mass of the products is always equal to the total mass of the reactants.

What are the the contributions of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier to field of chemistry?

Antonine Laurent Lavoisier's contributions: Research on gases, water, and combustion Antoine Lavoisier's famous phlogiston experiment. The work of Lavoisier was translated in Japan in the 1840s. Pioneer of stoichiometry Lavoisier's researches included some of the first truly quantitative chemical experiments. Analytical chemistry and chemical nomenclature Lavoisier investigated the composition of water and air, which at the time were considered elements. Legacy Constant pressure calorimeter. Lavoisier's fundamental contributions to chemistry were a result of a conscious effort to fit all experiments into the framework of a single theory.

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Daniel Rutherford discovered nitrogen in 1772; Antoine Lavoisier was the first to consider nitrogen as a chemical element.

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He created the first experiments that proved the Law of Conservation of Mass. These ideas were more clearly formulated in 1789 by Antoine Lavoisier.

Who was one of the first people to publish a periodic table?

Mendeleev was the first person to publish table. Lavoisier work was not able to publish.

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First triple beam was invented by Lavoisier in first half of 17 century.

What year was carbon discovered in?

The earliest known first use of Carbon is 3750 BC. by the Egyptians and Sumerians but the first true chemical analyses was in 1789 by Antoine Lavoisier as an element.

What man published the first list of elements?

Antoine Lavoisier published the first list of elements in 1789 in his book "Traité élémentaire de chimie" (Elementary Treatise of Chemistry).