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Q: When did Call of Duty 3 came out?
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What is latest Call of Duty 3 or Call of Duty world at war?

Call of Duty World at War came out later in November 2008 and after Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare

What is going to be the next Call of Duty?

Modern Warfare 3 Just Came Out But Black Ops 2 Or Call of Duty Lone Wolf.

When does DLC season start for Call of duty modern warfare 3?

In the Past the DLCs have not came out before spring for the Call of Duty series

What Call of Duty is the last one to came out?

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Which came first halo or Call of Duty?

The first Call of Duty video game was relased October 29, 2003. The first Halo video game was released on November 15, 2001. Halo came first.

What is the name of Call of Duty 3?

the name IS call of duty 3

Was Call of Duty finest hour released after Call of Duty 3?

No, finest hour is the 1st call of duty while call of duty 3 is the 3rd.

How old is Call of Duty?

It has been seven years since the first Call of Duty came out.

What is the call of duty order best to worst?

call of duty finest hour call of duty 2 call of duty 3 call of duty world at war call of duty black ops call of duty 4 modern warfare call of duty modern warfare 2 call of duty modern warfare 3

Is Call of Duty world at war newer than Call of Duty modern warfare?

The Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare is older and came out NOV 2007, Call of Duty World at War came out NOV 2008, MW2 Came out in NOV 2009, Black Ops Came out NOV 2010, and MW3 will come out NOV 2011

Did Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare come out first or did Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came out first. This is the first game in the Modern Warfare series, and Modern Warfare 3 is the third game in the Modern Warfare series.

When does Call of Duty 5 World At War come out?

"Call of Duty : World at War" (Call Of Duty 5) came out on November 11, 2008.