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The people looked different, and the stuff he traded was different too.

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Q: When did Columbus realize he had discovered a new land mass and not just a coast of china?
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What did christphor Columbus discovered?

Christopher Columbus discovered the coast of South America. He also discovered the West Indies and Central America. He discovered the Bahamas, Cuba, and Haiti.

What were the names of the countries that christopher Columbus had discovered?

Well, there were a few. He discovered the Bahamas, San Salvador, Cuba, and a small coast of South America.

When Columbus landed on the Caribbean island he named San Salvador he believed he had landed on the coast of?


Why was Columbus's first journey so important?

Because it gave the first indication that there was an unknown land between Europe and China and the East Indies. Columbus himself never caught on to this, though. He remained convinced for the rest of his life that he had discovered islands near the coast of the East Indies.

What did Amerigo Vespucci realize about America?

Amerigo Vespucci realized that America was a new continent, and not just an island off of the coast of China.

Who discovered the northeastern coast of the us?

Wouldn't that be Columbus? However, I believe parts of it were owned by France and England...hence the name 'New England' .

What did Amerigo Vespucci see and discover?

Amerigo Vespucci never discovered any lands himself. He was a map-maker and not an explorer. He did 'discover' that the lands that Columbus had found must be a continent by itself and not part of South East Asia. The circumference of the Earth was well known even before Columbus set out, as was the geografical location of India and China on the planet. That was the exact same reason why the Potuguese turned Columbus away: they knew that he was totally miscalculating the distance to China by a westward route. So it figures - and that was also what Vespucci figured - that a coast that is some 7,000 miles removed from China probably wasn't part of China.

Where is Cuba located and when was it discovered?

Cuba is a large island nation south of the coast of Florida. Christopher Columbus landed on Cuba in October 12, 1492. Before Columbus, though, there were Native Americans who inhabited it.

What are islands off the coast of Africa where Columbus stopped for repairs and supplies?

Columbus was an ambitious explorer that discovered a lot of new lands. He stopped on the Canary Islands for repairs and suppliers before continuing his exploits.

What did Christopher Columbus want to find a shorter route to?

India and China for primarily spices. This is why in the United States Native Americans are referred to as "Indians." Columbus thought thought he landed on an Island off the coast of India.

When was China Coast created?

China Coast was created in 1990.

When did China Coast end?

China Coast ended in 1995.