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Q: When did Delaware free the slaves?
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What state did not free the slaves?

The state that did not free the slaves was Delaware. Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri did not free slaves either.

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Was colonial Delaware a slave holding colony?

Yes, colonial Delaware was a slave-holding colony. Slavery was legal and practiced in Delaware from the early colonial period until the end of the Civil War. The economy of the colony relied on slave labor for industries such as agriculture and shipbuilding.

The slave state with more free black people than slaves was Virginia?

No. Tennessee was.

Was the Delaware Colony free or slave?

When the colonists first settled in what is now Delaware most of them came as English indentured servants, of course later on there were African slaves. In the early 1800's the majority of the African population in Delaware were free, though there was not any official legislature declaring them free. Delaware remained in the Union during the Civil War. In 1861 Abraham Lincoln pushed for the remaining slave holders to be compensated in return of the freedom of the slaves, at the time there were less than 1,800 slaves in Delaware (mostly in Sussex county) and in 1862 slavery was declared unlawful in all U.S. territories

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What happen to the slaves in Delaware Kentucky Maryland and Missouri?

Those states didn't have slaves.

What river do the slaves have to cross to get to Delaware?

Slaves had to cross the Delaware River to reach the state of Delaware. The river served as a natural barrier between the free states in the north and the slave states in the south.

What state did the Emancipation Proclamation did not free the slaves in which state?

The Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in any of the Confederacy States of America. Any state in or allied with the Union were allowed to keep any slaves they had. Since Lincoln had no authority to free slaves in the rebelling states, Union armies did free slaves in those states they occupied.

Which states were not order to free their slaves through the emancipation proclamation?

The four states of the Upper South that had decided to stay loyal - Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware.

Education reform did not help?

free black slaves

What did Delaware use slaves for?

Field Work & House Hold Work.