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Circa 3150 BC (this date is largely based on working backwards from known dates)

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Q: When did Egyptian civilization begin with the union of upper and lower Egypt?
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When did the civilization begin in the Nile delta?

Ancient Egyptian civilization began around 3100 bc, when the kingdoms of Lower Egypt (on the Nile delta) and Upper Egypt , trading on a small scale which created a kingdom and civilisation.

How did the ancient Egyptian sailboat advance the civilization?

it helped advance the civilization by making it easier to get materials from upper Egypt to lower Egypt

What is Ancient Egyptian civilization?

Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. It is one of six civilizations to arise independently.

Where are Egyptian cities most common to find?

lower Egypt

What is a civilization called that arose along the Nile River about 5000 years ago?

The most common one was the Egyptian's.

What were two reigons that made up Egyptian society?

upper egypt annd lower egypt

Where is most of the Egyptian civilization built?

Alongside the lower (north) Nile river.

Why was menes important to Egyptian history?

he united upper and lower Egypt.

Who are the Egyptian gods and Goddesses that ruled lower Egypt?

Lower Egypt or northern Egypt was ruled by Wadjet, the goddess who created papyrus. She wore a cobra headdress.

Which African nation has the earliest date of origin?

The ancient Egyptian civilization is considered one of the oldest in Africa, dating back to around 3100 BCE with the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt by King Menes.

Who did the ancient Egyptian think united upper and lower Egypt?

they think it was Narmer

How did the two Egyptian Kingdoms arise and when did they come together?

The two Egyptian kingdoms, Upper and Lower Egypt, arose because the land near the First Cataract and the Nile Delta, respectively, was suitable for agriculture. They united around 3000 B.C.