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There was colonization of Canada by both England and France as early as the 17th century. Canada did not become an officially bilingual country until 1980, however.

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Q: When did English and french combined in Canada?
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What are the two official languages in Canada?

English and French are the main languages in Canada.68% of Canada speak English as their first language.12% of Canada speak French as their first language.The remaining 20% speak one of the dozens of Native Canadian languages as their first (these native ones are not official languages because there are so many)

Who settled in Canada first the English or french?

The English:)

How do you spell Canada in french?

Canada is the same spelling in English and French.

What two languages are predominant in Canada?

we have 2 official languages in Canada, they are English and French

What are two Canada's official languages?

English and French

The official languages of Canada are English?

Yes, also French is another official language in Canada.

What do french people do in Canada?

Even though Canada is bilingual, only one province has French and English as their official languages. In Quebec they speak French as their first and everywhere else it is English

What are the two major traditions in Canada?

I think that Canada has more than two major traditions (and I live in Canada) but perhaps you are thinking about the two official languages, English and French, which are both related to certain traditions. We get our head of state, Queen Elizabeth II, from the English tradition, and we get St. Jean Baptiste Day from the French tradition. English and French Canadians both like hockey, so that is a combined tradition.

When did the English take Canada from France?

the English took Canada from the french in 1762

What is the train called in Canada?

English and French is the language of Canada. So "Train" is called "Train" in English as well as French .

What is sun in Canadian?

depends whether you mean English Canada or French Canada. In English, the translation is 'sun'. In French, which is usually spoken in French Canada, it is "soleil" Also, Canadian is not a language.

Is Canada divided in french Canada and English speaking west Canada?

East Canada and West Canada of the Province of Canada was divided along religion and language with English dominating in West Canada and French in East Canada.