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Q: When did General MacArthur say it would take 100 years to rebuild Korea after Korean War?
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What type of military tactic was successful for General MacArthur in the Korean War?

MacArthur used the tactic of a flank attack at Inchon Korea.

Who became in charge of the UN response to the invasion of Seoul?

General Douglas MacArthur was placed at the head of UN Forces in the Korean War (which was the conflict that resulted when the UN acted to thwart North Korean aggression against Seoul and South Korea generally.

Who commanded U.S. troops during the Korean War but was fired for insubordination?

General Douglas MacArthur was leader of the armed forces was fired for wanting to conduct an offensive deep into North Korea.

What actions did general MacArthur take that would have widened the Korean war?

McCarthur was the U.S. General who suggested that the United States should bomb North Korea.

What wars did general Douglas MacArthur participate in?

WWI, WWII, Korea. He was relieved (fired) of command in Korea.

What caused MacArthur to get fired by Truman?

General MacArthur was defiant of President Truman's philosophy of containment in the Korean conflict so President Truman relieved him of his command in Korea on April 10th, 1951.

Was angered when MacArthur demanded an unconditional surrender from North Korea from the North Korea war?

Harry Truman was angered when MacArthur demanded an unconditional surrender from North Korea during the Korean War. Harry Truman fired MacArthur after a congressman received a letter from MacArthur stating this idea. MacArthur knew that this would be a way to prolong the war in Korea.

What did general Douglas MacArthur argue about the Korean war?

He wanted to use Atomic bombs against North Korea, but President Truman wouldn't let him.

Which wars did general Douglas MacArthur particapate in?

Korean front This dude says Korean front when MacArthur was fighting in the pacific against Japan... MacArthur did play a part in Korea but that was during the Korean War not World War 2. So the Japanese front

Which wars did General Douglas MacArthur not participate?

World War 1, World War 2, and Korean War.

Who commanded UN troops in Korea?

According to, General Douglas Macarthur was commander of the UN forces during the Korean War until he was relieved by President Harry Truman.

What facts were not related to President Trumans decision to replace General MacArthur?

general macArthur was not willing to invade North Korea A+