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God [Jesus Christ - John 1:3] made the Sabbath day on the day after He recreated the formless and void earth, to sustain man, in six days... on the seventh day.

"...and God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it [sanctify: to set apart for holy use]: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made." (Gen.2:3)

"...The Sabbath was made for man [not the Jews], and not man for the Sabbath: therefore the Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath." (Mark 2:27-28)

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Q: When did God establish the sabbath day?
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Related questions

Where does the word sabbath day come from?

The phrase "sabbath day"comes from the Bible. Sabbath means "to rest" and the sabbath day was instituted by God during creation week when He created the seventh day and made it a holy day for rest. God also included the sabbath day into the ten commandments.

What day was the Sabbath Day for Saint Peter?

The Sabbath day for Peter was the seventh day of the week, the same sabbath day that Jesus kept and the other apostles. In Acts 16:13 we read that Paul went to the riverside on the sabbath day to pray to God. He wanted to retreat from the city and be in a quiet place with God on the sabbath. Thus showing that the apostles still kept the seventh day sabbath as per the 4th commandment.

When is the sabbath mentioned in the bible?

If you actually believe: The seventh day is supposed to be the Sabbath (God's the day of rest after creating the world).

Why did God make all days holy?

As it says in the bible, The seventh day was to be the sabbath, the holy day. Not every day is holy, just the sabbath, the day of rest, for that's when God finished his creation of the Earth.

Why should Christians rest on the sabbath day?

To obey God.

What day of the week is traditionally considered the Assembly of God sabbath?

The Assemblies of God, like most Protestant churches, practice the Sabbath on the first day of the week, which is Sunday. This came into practice because Christ the Messiah rose on the first day of the week. Under Jewish tradition, the Sabbath was celebrated on the 7th day of the week, which is Saturday.

Why do Seventh-day Adventists have to be in at sundown Friday?

Friday at sundown is when the Lord's Sabbath begins. Sabbath is a day for worship, all activities on that day should be focused around God. This ends at sundown on Saturday.

What is the first day created god?

sunday since sabbath is saturday.

Is it true that the Roman Church switch the Sabbath to Sunday?

It is true that Roman churches switch the Sabbath to Sunday. This day is for God.

What does remember the Sabbath and keep it holy mean?

To keep the ordinances and commandments of God in keeping pure and spotless on sabbath day.

Who chose the sabbath?

It is God who told us to worship on the sabbath. He created the universe in 6 days and rested on the seventh day. This seventh day is called the sabbath. He did not rest because he was tired but as an example of what we need to do.

What is the religious day of rest and worship?

Sunday...Sabath No, the correct answer would be Saturday. The Sabbath is the 7th day of the week. ( Correct answer) Sunday is man's sabbath ( a day made to be enforced by man)/ Saturday is God's ( the day God enforced to be his) The CORRECT answer is..... Sabbath!