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Henry Ford's breakthrough was in applying mass production techniques to car manufacture. For the concept and practical invention of the 4 stroke engine see the wikipedia article on the history of the internal combustion engine:

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Q: When did Henry Ford invent the internal combustion engine?
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Who was the first person to create a car with an Internal Combustion Engine?

Henry Ford.

Why was Henry Ford's internal-combustion engine banned?

it was so noisy that it was considered a public nuisance

What if henery ford never invented the automobile?

Henry Ford never did invent the automobile. He invented the assembly line which made the automobile more affordable but he did not invent the auto. The first true gasoline powered internal combustion engine automobile was invented by Karl Benz in 1885.

Who is the famous car maker?

Henry Ford he not only built the first American car but he was the first to mass produce it with the assembly line. Ford did not invent the internal combustion engine, or the automobile, or the assembly line. His achievement was to produce automobiles at affordable prices.

What did Henry miller shreve invent?

the steam engine.

What date did henry ford invent the steam engine?

Henry Ford did not invent the steam engine. He was young when it was first introduced to him as a way of powering things. He didn't really invent anything but built onto others ideas such as the assembly line and the car.

What was Henry Fords employment?

When Henry Ford was young, he worked on his father's farm and also helped his father with the family business which was hauling firewood. When he left home, he became a mechanic and an inventor, eventually constructing his own internal combustion engine and later starting Ford Motor Company.

What was the first motor?

It was the Ford model T. It was made by Henry Ford. It was the Ford model T. It was made by Henry Ford. The first motor vehicles were built more than a decade before Henry Ford and the model T. The earliest real motor vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine was made by Karl Benz, a German, and patented in1886. Karl Benz is generally considered to have made the first practical car powered by an internal combustion engine. (Look up Karl Benz on the web.) +++ Ford primarily developed the manufacturing methods, though his company obviously also developed the products themselves.

Why did Henry Ford invent the car?

Henry Ford didn't invent the car.

How did Henry Ford's first engine work?

it is a four cycle internal combustion engine so it has the same parts as a modern car engine. intake valve,exhaust valve, ignition system, cam shaft, cylinder, piston, crankshaft, connecting rod. These parts are not exactly the same as a modern auto engine but still accomplish the same things.

What industry are Harry Ford and Karl Benz associated with?

Automotive industry. Also Henry Ford invented the rolling production line, while Karl Benz arguably invented the first internal combustion engine, similar to the cars we drive today.

When did Henry Thomas - suspected combustion death - die?

Henry Thomas - suspected combustion death - died in 1980.