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From 1817 to 1825.

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Q: When did James Monroe move into the White House?
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What president had to move out of the white house when it was found too dangerous?

either James Monroe or Harry S. Truman

Did president Monroe live in the White House?

Yes, he did. The White House had to be rebuilt after the British torched in 1814 and Monroe was able to move in, in the fall of 1817.

What president lived in white house after fire of 1812?

President Madison lived in what is now called the Octagon House located at 18th Street and New York Avenue in Washington. Colonel John Tayloe owned the house at the time, in 1814 and offered it as a temporary Executive Mansion.

When did George Washington move to the white house?

He did not. He died before the White House was finished in 1800.

Was George Washington the only president who didn't stay in the Whitehouse?

Washington is the only President who never lived in the White House. The White House was completed enough to move in by November,1800, late in John Adams' term . When the British burned the White House in 1814, Presidents Madison stayed at another mansion in DC called the Octagon House while repairs were being done and it still was not livable when Monroe first took office, but he eventually could move in. Truman also had move out for awhile for extensive repairs due to aging of the building.

What was hard in James Madison's presidency?

The War of 1812 with Britain was his hardest problem. The White House was burned and he had to move out, but the war as a whole accomplished little.

When did Jimmy Carter move into the White House?

January 20,1977 was his Carter's first night in the White House.

What is a plot for Cory in the house?

Cory And His Dad Move To The White House Because His Dad Is A Great Chef Who Cooks At The White House.

What date did the first president move in the White House?

in 1800 John Adams and his wife moved to the white house.

Why did john Adams move into the white house?

on novembet

When did JFK move into the White House?

on sept. 25 2004

When did Lincoln move into the white house?

feb 11 1861