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Tropical depression 12 formed on August 23, 2005. It would later become Hurricane Katrina.

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Q: When did Katrina first from as a tropical depression?
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How long was Katrina a tropical depression?

Tropical Depression Katrina formed on August 23, 2005, and lasted until it intensified into a tropical storm on August 24, 2005. Thus, Katrina was a tropical depression for about one day.

When was Hurricane Katrina first identified?

Hurricane Katrina formed as Tropical Depression Twelve over the southeastern Bahamas on August 23, 2005 as the result of an interaction of a tropical wave and the remains of Tropical Depression Ten

When did Hurricane Katrina first develop?

Hurricane Katrina first developed as a tropical depression on August 23, 2005, over the Bahamas. It later intensified into a Category 5 hurricane as it moved through the Gulf of Mexico towards the United States.

What are the sources of Hurricane Katrina?

Hurricane Katrina formed as Tropical Depression Twelve over the southeastern Bahamas on August 23, 2005 as the result of an interaction of a tropical wave and the remains of Tropical Depression Ten

Did people expect hurricane Katrina?

yes they did as Hurricane Katrina formed as Tropical Depression Twelve over the southeastern Bahamas on August 23, 2005 as the result of an interaction of a tropical wave and the remains of Tropical Depression Ten

What caused hurricane Katrina to downgrade to a tropical depression on August 30th?

I am not sure

Why did the Hurricane Katrina form over the Bahamas?

Hurricane Katrina did not form over the Bahamas. It originated as a tropical depression over the southeastern Bahamas and gradually intensified as it moved westward over warm waters in the Gulf of Mexico, eventually making landfall along the coasts of Louisiana and Mississippi in 2005.

How did the Hurricane Katrina start?

Hurricane Katrina began as a tropical depression over the southeastern Bahamas on August 23, 2005. It intensified into a Category 5 hurricane as it moved westward over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Katrina made landfall on the Gulf Coast of the United States on August 29, causing catastrophic damage.

Where was hurricane Katrina coming from?

Hurricane Katrina formed as Tropical Depression Twelve over the south eastern Bahamas on August 23, 2005

Where did Hurricane Katrina originate?

Hurricane Katrina originated as a tropical depression over the Bahamas on August 23, 2005. It developed into a tropical storm and strengthened into a hurricane as it moved over the Gulf of Mexico towards the Gulf Coast of the United States.

When was Hurricane Katrina last seen?

Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana on August 29, 2005, and gradually weakened into a tropical storm as it moved inland. The remnants of the storm dissipated over the eastern United States by August 31, 2005.

When was hurican katrina?

Hurricane Katrina made landfall on Monday, August 29, 2005. It started off as a tropical depression then became a hurricane, then died down to another tropical depression. In the month of August, 2005, a Hurricane called 'Hurricane Katrina' approached the city of New Orleans. It was one of the worst disasters in American History.