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This is not known. The Ingalls family dog Jack was given to the person who bought a team of horses from Charles Ingalls, as Jack was very devoted to the horses. The family had other dogs later on, all of whom were referred to in Laura's books as "Jack", though they actually had different names.

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Laura Ingalls Wilder's dog, Jack, died in 1927.

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Did laura's ingalls dog jack get rabies?

In the "Little House on the Prairie" book series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura's dog, Jack, does get rabies and sadly has to be put down to prevent the spread of the disease.

What kind of dog did Laura Ingalls Wilder have?

Laura Ingalls Wilder had a bull mastiff named Jack.

What was Laura Ingalls Wilder dogs name?

She had Jack, the brindle bulldog in the first three books. She also had dogs named Inky and Shep in West From Home. In her notes she spoke of another dog named Nero.

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The Ingalls family owned a total of three dogs throughout the "Little House on the Prairie" book series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The dogs were named Jack, Bandit, and Barnum.

Luara Ingalls Wilders pets that she had?

Laura Ingalls Wilder had various pets throughout her life, including dogs, cats, horses, cows, and even a raccoon named Jack. Some of her most beloved pets were her dog, Jack, and her horses, Pet and Patty. These animals played a significant role in her life and are often referenced in her writings.

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The Van Wilders looks a lot like an English Bulldog but is an entirely separate breed.

Did Laura Ingalls Wilder had farm animals in her counry?

Laura Ingalls Wilder, who lived in upper Wisconsin, had a few farm animals such as a pig, cow, dog, and horse, but she had many more inbred family members than animals. Eventually, the inbreds turned on Laura and killed her with barbed wire, then mated with the animals.

What killed jack the dog on Little House on the Prairie?

Actually Laura did take care of Jack because her mother told her to do it in which Laura finally obeyed her. As Charles explained to her daughter Laura, Jack died of old age and tiredness. Laura has a hard time dealing with her guilt because of the things she said about Jack being no good and worthless. She also felt bad that she wasn't with Jack when he died. As I watched this episode this morning, (January 28 2022) I cried like I did when I watched it when I was 15. I even had to hold my dog and tell her how much I love her. 62 years old and this show still makes me cry.

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Did Laura ingals wilder have any pets?

Laura was also a big fan of animals and had many pets. One of her first pets was her dog, Jack, who was her constant companion for many years. She also had a horse, Bunny, who was sold to the Olesons in order to buy Caroline a stove for Christmas.

What actors and actresses appeared in Jack the Dog - 2013?

The cast of Jack the Dog - 2013 includes: Jack the Dog