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Marie and Pierre Curie did not discover the atom. John Dalton is credited with the discovery of the atom and J.J. Thomson with the discovery of the electron.

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Q: When did Marie and Pierre curie discover their atomic theory?
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When did Marie Curie discover polanium?

Marie Curie and Pierre Curie discovered polonium on Dec. 21, 1898. The atomic number for polonium is 84 and its symbol is Po.

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What two chemical elements did Marie and Pierre discover?

the radium and the polonium

Who helped Marie Curie discover polonium?

The husband, Pierre Curie.

Who revived the atomic theory?

Marie Curie

What did Marie Curie and pierre curie discover?

Polonium and Radium .

Where did Marie curie discover radium and polonium?

In Paris - 1898.

How did Marie and Pierre Curie find the atomic mass of an atom?

They researched alot.

What element did Pierre and Marie Curie discover in 1898?

In July of 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie discovered polonium. Just five months later, in December of 1898, they went on to discover radium as well.

Where did Marie Curie discover element radium?

Pierre Curie, Marie Curie and Gustave Bemont discovered radium in France, 1898.

Who are people behind the discovered of radioactivity?

Pierre and Marie Curie were the first people to discover radioactivity.

What year did Madame Curie discover elements of radium and polonium?

Polonium and was discovered in 1898 by Pierre Curie and Marie Curie.