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Q: When did Massachusetts legalize slavery?
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What was the first colony to legalize slavery?

Georgia was the last colony to legalize slavery in 1798!

What was the first state that legalize slavery?


When did Massachusetts become the first colony to legalize slavery?


Which colony made slavery legal first in us?

Massachusetts became the first colony to legalize slavery in what would later become the United States in 1641.

What was the first state to legalize slavery and the first state to abolish slavery?

Massachusetts became the first colony to legalize slavery in the year 1641. Slavery is declared illegal in the Americas' Northwest Territory, or now known as the Midwest in 1787. And Abraham Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, or in other words, he stopped slavery trade among the Americans.

What did Massachusetts do about slavery?

there is no slavery in massachusetts

When did Massachusetts end slavery?

Massachusetts prohibited slavery in 1780

When was Slavery in Massachusetts created?

Slavery in Massachusetts was created in 1854.

What colony didn't legalize slavery?

The colony of Pennsylvania did not legalize slavery. Its founder, William Penn, believed in treating all individuals fairly and equally, which led to the colony not endorsing the institution of slavery.

Is Massachusetts the first state to legalize same gender marriage?

yes it is

Why did Massachusetts legalize same-sex marriage?

Because the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts ruled that the state was violating the Massachusetts Constitution by restricting marriage to heterosexual persons.

Which British colonel legalized slavery in 1641?

Colonel Thomas Rainsborough did not legalize slavery in 1641. The legalization of slavery in British colonies happened through various colonial acts and laws over time, not by the actions of a single colonel in a specific year.