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Most sources say it was either in February or March 2010.

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She began promoting it in February 2010, as a way to help fight childhood obesity.

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Q: When did Michelle Obama start lets move campaign?
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How many organizations did Michelle Obama have and what are their names?

she had one and it is the lets move campaign

What is the name of the organization that Michelle Obama started to end childhood obestiy?

Lets Move!

What are Michelle Obama's contributions?

The "Lets move" program and something different than the food pyramid

Is Michelle Obama the founder of lets move?

Yes she is, she founded this activity so that kids would not just be sitting on the couch watching tv; they would be outside getting fresh air and exercise, which is very important for good health.

Lets all move to Canada to avoid the experience of Obama being president?

Yay, lets go to Canada!

Some things about Michelle Obama?

Her nickname in the family is Miche ( pronounced meesh); as a young girl, she played the piano so much she had to be told to stop; she and her brother skipped the second grade; when she was little, she shared a room with her older brother Craig; she was in the national honor society in high school; as an adult, while working as a lawyer, she was asked to mentor a new lawyer, a young man named Barack Obama; she has a cousin who is a rabbi; as First Lady (the first African-American first lady), she organized a campaign to fight childhood obesity called "Lets move!"

Will James and Michelle be together forever?

no one can ever tell! lets hope aye :)

Is President Obama helping your nation?

Well, I want to say he is but he hasn't been in office a full year yet and after the big mess Bush made it's really gonna be hard for Obama to help out the nation over night I say lets give Obama at least 2-3 years before we all start making judgments.

What does obama think on the global warming issue?

Obama is really focused on moving some of the troops to afghanastan because we are currently losing that war. Some people think that's all he cares about, but he does care about global warming. President Obama wants to start nationwide the plan in California, some people have their doubts, but you never know until he tries, and we do need a change in our nation, so lets have faith in Obama's plan for global warming.

How do you make a clan in mw3 xbox?

I believe you go on call of duty elite on your xbox/ps3 (there should be a download somewhere on ur marketplace) you will need a save so it lets you on it (start campaign then quit) hope i helped ;)

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me in the shower with kate upton, shakira and aniston, and lets not forget Barack Obama, and his wife.

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darby-"lets play house" michelle- "i wanna play" darby- " ur kinda ugly so u can be the dog" michelle-"wat?" darby-"yeah" michelle- "can i at least be the female dog?" darby-"no, ur name is fiddo, r u gonna play or what?" michelle-"fine, woof woof"