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Because he wanted to free them, because he's nice

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Q: When does Schindler make the decision to rescue Jews?
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Why were the Jews made to shovel snow in Schindler's list?

without a workforce he could not produce anything, therefore not make any money.

What are facts on Oskar Schindler?

he gave jobs to Jews at his company he taught them how to make and build items he was married but he had affairs with other women he was Born on 21st April 1908 he died 9 October 1974 (aged 66) in west Germany he parents names were Hans Schindler and Franziska Luser his wife is Emilie Schindler

How much did Schindler's list make?

Schindler's List made about 321 million dollars.

How much money did Schindler's List make?

Schindler's List made about 321 million dollars.

What did oskar schindler make in his factory?

He originally opened it to make money and used the Jews as cheap labor but he grew a bond with the Jews and then kept the factory open to save their life.

What is the relationship between Helen Hursh and Amon Goeth in Schindler's List?

Oskar schindler and amon goeth had a pretty bad relationship. in the eyes of Amon Goeth they seem like friends but while Oskar Schindler is getting him drunk and is persuading him into letting him make barracks at his factory Oskar really doesn't like Amon. he is just using him to save more Jews in his factory

What did schindler make in his factory?

Enamelware or pots and pans

How did Oskar Schindler buy the Jews in world war 2?

No! Of course not! Irena Sendler is one notable who smuggled Jews out of the Warsaw Ghetto.The people who saved/hid Jews during the Holocaust are known as The Righteous Of the Nations._________There were also others, the Righteous Among Nations only lists some of those who rescued Jews. Those not included (for example) are those who took payment (apart for Schindler of course, he is a special case) and those who did not have a surviving Jew to nominate them (as is required to become one of the Righteous).

What did the workers do in Oskar Schindler's factory?

They made made pots and pans as well as many types munitions including artillary shells though it has been said by both Oskar Schindler and the SchindlerJuden (Shindler Jews) that all munitions were faulty. To make this roughly 1200 Jewish workers were used all saved by Oskar Shindler and those who helped him!

Is oskar schindler a hero?

Oskar was definitely not a bad guy at the beginning of the story he is against the Jews but he learns how mistreated the Jews were and saves 1200 Jews by using his factory as a safe place or as the Jews called the paradise. This is definitely true, but he was also immoral in a lot of ways. He drunk ALOT, and he cheated on his wife many times. Of course this does not make him a bad guy because he did more good things then he did bad, but he did do some bad things in his life.

Do a decision or make a decision?

The answer is you make a decision.

How did Oskar Schindler make a fortune on military contracts?

he supplied enamelware for the military