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No, Sojourner Truth did not write 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

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Q: When did Sojourner Truth write Uncle Tom's Cabin?
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Who was the former slave who had never been taught to read or Write but spoke with wit and wisdom?

Sojourner Truth

Did Lyman Beecher write Uncle Tom's Cabin?

No, Lyman Beecher did not write 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Did Louisa May Alcott write Uncle Tom's Cabin?

No, Louisa May Alcott did not write Uncle Tom's Cabin. Uncle Tom's Cabin is a novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe and published in 1852. Louisa May Alcott is known for writing Little Women, published in 1868.

When did harriet write Uncle Tom's Cabin?


What were Sojourner Truth's hobbies and interests?

sojerner loves to write poetry

How did Sojourner Truth meet olive Gilbert?

Sojourner Truth met Olive Gilbert when they both worked together as domestic servants for the Dumont family in New York. Olive Gilbert later became Sojourner's literary agent and helped her write her memoir "The Narrative of Sojourner Truth."

Did Harriet Beecher Stowe write Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Yes, Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'.

Why did Harriet Beecher Stowe write Uncle Tom's Cabin?

why did harriet beecher stowe write uncle tom's cabin?

What novel did Harriet Stowe write?

Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1852

Why couldn't Sojourner Truth read or write?

Sojourner Truth was born into slavery and was not provided with opportunities for formal education. As a result, she was never taught to read or write. Despite this, Truth was able to become a prominent advocate for abolition, women's rights, and civil rights through her powerful speeches and activism.

How long did it take to write Uncle Tom's Cabin?

it took about 1 year

What else was Sojourner Truth known for other than her famous 'Ain't I a woman' speech?

Sojourner Truth was also known for her work as an abolitionist and women's rights activist. She tirelessly campaigned against slavery and fought for the rights and equality of all people, regardless of their race or gender.