

When did Sonia Sotomayor Supreme Court nomination happen?

Updated: 3/31/2020
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9y ago

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Sonia Sotomayor Supreme Court nomination happened in 2009.

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Q: When did Sonia Sotomayor Supreme Court nomination happen?
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Who was appointed as Supreme Court Justice?

Sonia Sotomayor

How many Latinos are on the supreme court?

Sona Sotomayor is the first Hispanic to ever serve in the Supreme Court. Some people believe Justice Benjamin Cardozo was Hispanic; however, he was of Portuguese descent, which is considered a different ethnic group.

How does a person get on the US Supreme Court?

by nomination and election

Is Sotomayor dead?

Justice Sonia Sotomayor is alive and well and hearing cases before the US Supreme Court as you read this answer.

What Supreme Court judges are considered liberals?

Sotomayor, Kagan, Breyer, and Ginsberg

Who are the Hispanic justices of the US Supreme Court?

Sonia Maria SotomayorJustice Sotomayor is the first Latina justice to serve on the US Supreme Court; however, she is not the only Latina judge in the federal court system.

At what location does Justice Sonia Sotomayor work?

All nine US Supreme Court justices work in the Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC.

What position does sonia sotomayor have?

Sonia Sotomayors is Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

What is Sonia Sotomayor's eye color?

Sonia Sotomayor, an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, has dark brown eyes.

What is Sotomayor famous for?

She is the first Latina justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.Sonia Sotomayor is famous for being the first Latina and third female Associate Justice of the Supreme Court if the United States of America.

How does the supreme court depend on executive branch?

The president (executive branch) nominates judges to the Supreme Court. If the Congress approves the nomination, the nominee becomes a member of the Supreme Court. So, the Supreme Court depends on the executive for its members.