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Q: When did dr seuss write and to think that you saw it on mulberry street?
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When did Dr. Seuss write his books?

Dr. Seuss's first book was "And to Think I Saw it on Mulberry Street"; published in 1937.

When did Dr Seuss write his first book?

Dr. Seuss's first book was "And to Think I Saw it on Mulberry Street"; published in 1937.

What was Dr Seuss first book that he wrote and what inspired him to write it?

Dr. Seuss's first book was "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street," published in 1937. The story was inspired by a European vacation he took with his wife when a conversation about books made her challenge him to write a children's book that kids couldn't put down.

In what year did Dr. Seuss write his first book for kids?

Dr.Seuss published his first book in the early 1900's many considered him crazy or stupid for writing books like he did but in the end they saw how it really taught kids how to read. December 21st, 1937; "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street".

Where did Dr. Seuss first write his book and what was it?

im not sure where he wrote it but it was called "I Think I Saw Something On A Mulberry Street" he got TURNED DOWN 29 TIMES before it was published,and it was a BIG hit,hope i helped =-)

How did dr. Seuss begin writing childrens books?

Dr. Seuss began writing children's books after he was given a challenge to write a compelling children's book using only 50 different words. This led to the creation of "The Cat in the Hat," which became a huge success and inspired him to continue writing more children's books.

When did he write and to think you saw it on mulberry street?

He wrote the Book in 1927 i think and he got the rythme by an engine going back to the U.S.A

When did drseuss write his first book for kids?

"And to Think That I saw It on Mulberry Street" was written on 1937 and published on 1983

How long did it take for Dr. Seuss to be published?

It took Dr. Seuss, also known as Theodor Geisel, more than 20 tries before his first book "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street" was published in 1937. He faced rejection from multiple publishers before finding success in the literary world.

What was the first book DrSeuss write for children?

And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street New York: Beginner Books, Vanguard Press, Random House, 1937 1983 B-Extra 1

What was his first childrens book he wrote?

If you're talking about Shakespeare, he never wrote a children's book. He preferred to write crap.

What did Dr. Seuss write in the 1930s?
