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Q: When did earth cool enough for the water in its atmosphere to condense and cause rain?
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What holds the atmosphere to the earth?

The earths gravity. The more mass a body has, the more gravity, The Earth has enough mass to hold an atmosphere. The Moon, on the other hand, is not massive enough, and so does not have a high enough gravity, which prevents it from holding an atmosphere.

Which could cause a satellite to descend low enough that it burns up in earth's atmosphere?

air resistance

Which could cause satellite to descend low enough that it burns up in Earth's atmosphere?


What occur in the nonliving part of the water cycle?

water vapor in the atmosphere condense and falls to earth surface as rain or snow

What could cause a satellite to descend low enough that it burns up in earth's atmosphere?

Friction.The Earth's atmosphere never really ends, it just gets thinner and thinner until it seamlessly merges into the solar atmosphere. Satellites in low Earth orbit experience enough drag that they can slow down, which results in them dropping nearer to Earth, where they experience even more drag.

What holds the earth atmosphere?

Gravity hold the atmosphere to the Earth. But other factors do cause earth to loose some atmosphere to space continuously.

How does the Greenhouse effect cause a change in the earth axis tilt angle?

It doesn't! The greenhouse effect keeps the earth warm enough for life by keeping warm gases in the atmosphere. It has no effect on the tilt of the earth.

What is the cause of tremendous heat on Venus?

Venus has a very strong greenhouse effect. A greenhouse effect is when the gases in the atmosphere trap more of the Sun's heat. A lot of carbon dioxide, a very dense atmosphere, and a thick blanket of clouds help trap the sun's heat. The transfer of heat by atmospheric currents means both the night and day sides are almost the same temperature. Venus is like this because it is closer to the Sun than Earth so it is naturally hotter. On Earth, it is cool enough for water to condense and form oceans, where carbon dioxide can be absorbed. On Venus, water cannot condense in order to absorb the carbon dioxide so all of it stays in the atmosphere. The temperature is about 460 °C.

Why can elements produced in the sun but not in the earth atmosphere?

The earth's atmosphere is not hot enough for thermonuclear fusion to take place.

Why does the earth have a atmophere?

Mainly because Earth has a large enough mass, and therefore a large enough gravity, to keep an atmosphere.

What is the major cause of heating and cooling of are atmosphere?

The tilt of Earth

What cause Earth's auroras?

The suns radiation hitting our atmosphere