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It became legal after the Civil War for African Americans to be able to read.

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Q: When did it become legal for African Americans to read?
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Why were southerners successful in using literacy tests to keep African Americans voting?

Most African American had not learned to read while they were slaves

What did the southern states of the US do to disfranchise African Americans?

they made african americans pass a test first to see if they can read and write

Why were southerners successful in literacy tests to keep African Americans from voting?

Most African Americans had not learned to read while they were slaves

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They made African Americans pass a test to prove they could read and write

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African Americans were not allowed to attend school in the 1800s because of their skin color.

Why were southerners successful in using literary tests to keep African Americans from voting?

Most African Americans had not learned to read while they were slaves.

Why were southerners successful in using literacy tests to keep African Americans from voting?

Most African Americans had not learned to read while they were slaves.

How did literacy tests affect African Americans?

Southern state legislatures employed literacy tests as part of the voter registration process starting in the late 19th century. Literacy tests, along with poll taxes, residency and property restrictions, and extra-legal activities (violence and intimidation) were all used to deny suffrage to African Americans.

Why were southerners successful in using literacy to keep African Americans from voting?

Most African American had not learned to read while they were slaves

Why were southerners successful in using literacy tests to keep African American?

Most African Americans had not learned to read while they were slaves

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Read the book! Most African Americans have roots in West Africa.

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For African Americans to vote