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Australia does not have wildfires. It has bushfires.

The devastating Victorian bushfires began on Saturday, 7 February 2009. This has now come to be known as "Black Saturday".

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Q: When was the first wildfires in Australia?
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Are wildfires a threat to koala bears?

Australia does not have wildfires: it has bushfires. And yes, they are a threat to koalas, which are not bears, but marsupials.

Which Australian states did wildfires recently occur?

Australia does not have wildfires; it has bushfires.Victoria is most commonly the scene of major bushfires, but bushfires occurred in all the mainland states in the summer of 2009-2010.

When are wildfires most likely to occur?

Mostly in the summer and in all countries except Antarctica. Australia has the greatest chance of a wildfire

What are wildfires related to?

what are wildfires related to

How are humans causing way more wildfires?

Humans are causing way more wildfires which is an issue. First of all after camping, they sometimes leave the fire. Second of all, some people smokes and drop cigarettes on the ground which the cigarettes remnants can ignite wildfires. With more wildfires, more wild animals are killed.

How did the schools in Australia respond to the wildfires?

Australia does not have wildfires: it has bushfires.Schools which were in the path of the bushfires were evacuated. They had notice of the potential danger of the fires.After the event, schools which were not affected did a great deal to assist those who had lost everything in the bushfires. Fundraising events, working bees and drives involving donations of cash and goods were all organised as people reached out a helping hand to those who needed it.

What do wildfires do?

Wildfires destroy homes, property, lives, animals, vegitation.

Why are wildfires a bad thing?

Wildfires kill people and wildlife and destroy property.

Can wildfires start global warming?

No, but global warming can be a probable cause of wildfires.

When wildfires happened?

Wildfires normally happen during the spring and summer when it is hot and dry.

What climates are wildfires in?

Wildfires sometimes break out suddenly in hot, dry climates such as brushland.

How deadly can wildfires get?

Wildfires are very dangerous because they can kill people and destroy property.