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April 12, 1861 - April 9, 1865 were the dates of the American Civil War.

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Q: When did the Civil War start in our country?
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How do you start a civil war?

Divide your country into two separate societies with opposite cultures.

Why didn't Lincoln want to start the civil war?

He didn't want the country to have disunity.

Why was the Civil War Called Civil?

A Civil war in general is a war between one country. If you went to another country and were talking about the civil war they probably would think you were talking about their civil war. The correct term is The United States Civil War.

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A war among people who live in the same country is a civil war.

What marks the start of the Civil War?

The location that arked the beginning of the civil war was Gettysburg.

What 2 country's fought in the civil war?

A civil war is fought by differing factions of a single country.

What countries fought in the Civil War?

A civil war is fought by differing factions of a single country.

Which war is worse a Civil War or an ordinary war?

a civil war the civil war was the north vs. south of one country

Which group in Nigeria separated to start civil war in 1967?

The Igbo tried to create their own country and the Nigerian government sent troops to stop them, therefore creating civil war.

At the start of the civil war president lincoln did not plan to?

At the start of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln did not plan to allow the Southern states to break the Union apart. He wanted to keep the country whole and felt it was his duty as President.