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The Indian Paintbrush became Wyoming's state flower in 1917

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Q: When did the Indian Paintbrush become Wyoming's state flower?
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The Indian Paintbrush is the state flower of?


What is the state flower of whyoming?

The Wyoming state flower is the Indian Paintbrush.

What is the national plant for Wyoming?

The Indian Paintbrush flower.

Where does Indian paint flower grow?

In Alaska, natives use the Indian paintbrush flowers to determine what part of the season they are in...depending upon which part of the plant is flowering.

What is Indian Paintbrush?

The Indian paintbrush does exist. It is Wyoming's state flower. It was adopted on January 31, 1917. It is a wild flower with red, orange. scarlett or yellow colour which is due to the colourful bracts of this flower.

What is the name of the Indian flower?

The Indian flower is called a lotus. A pink Flower with a yellow dot inside.

What are the names of flowering plants?

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What is the state capital of whyoming?

The state capital of Wyoming is Cheyenne. The state bird of Wyoming is the Western Meadowlark, and the state flower is the Desert Paintbrush.

What does a Nectory mean on a flower?

a nectory is where a flower stores its flower babys to be a flower when the flower baby grows up to be a flower because it is a flower. this is an easy way for a flower to become a flower, as the flower has to grow in the flower to become a flower as it has to be, as that is its dream to become a flower so it grows into another flower because it's mummy and daddy are flowers so its a flower. yeah its a penis

Why was the columbine chosen as the Colorado state flower?

The legislative urge was to choose a native flower that no other state had selected. It is attractive, but not as prevalent as the Indian Paintbrush and other contenders, it was selected and the state has gone through great effort to feature it at state entry points.

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which year announced indian national flower