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The Polynesians are believed to have settled in Easter Island around 1200 to 1300 AD. They likely migrated to the island by boat, bringing with them their culture, skills, and traditions.

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Q: When did the Polynesians settle in Easter island?
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When did the polynesians roughly arrive in Easter Island?

It is estimated that Polynesians arrived on Easter Island around AD 1200-1300. They settled on the island and developed a unique culture that is known for its moai statues and impressive stone structures.

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They are Idol's that were worshiped by the Polynesians, (like the huge heads of Easter Island).

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No. It is believed that they were made almost 1000 years ago by Polynesians.

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Easter Island was first inhabited by Polynesians around 800 AD. They settled on the island and developed a unique culture known for its impressive stone statues called moai.

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the Easter bunny lives on Easter island