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First of all the pope didn't make Christ a "god." Christ is THE God, not A god. The pope had nothing to do with Christ being God.

So the shortest answer possible is: He hasn't.

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Q: When did the Pope make Christ a god?
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.Catholic AnswerA Pope is appointed by God, elected by the College of Cardinals, and is the successor of St. Peter as Vicar of Christ on earth. He is the Bishop of Rome, and the visible head of the Church - as Christ's Vicar.

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Great heavens, no. The Pope, in Catholic doctrine, is the servant of the servants of God. He is the successor of St. Peter. Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, chose St. Peter to be His Vicar on earth, read St. Matthew 16:17-19 where Our Blessed Lord appoints St. Peter as head of the Church. This is based on Isaiah 22:15 and following where God appoints the Vicar of the House of David and gives him the keys of David's house, just as Christ gave the keys to the Kingdom of God to St. Peter. The Pope is the successor to St. Peter, he is Christ's Vicar on earth, he is certainly not God on earth, although we are lucky enough to have God's own guarantee that His Vicar will always give us the truth.

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The Pope has no power - per se - over Catholics. The pope is the Vicar of Christ, he is the final arbitrator on earth of what is and what is not Christian dogma, how the liturgy should be celebrated, and how Christians should behave. But he never teaches on his own, he only teaches for Our Blessed Lord. Thus any "power" would be God's, and the Pope would only be His mouthpiece.

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Of course not, that would be blasphemy, and rather bad theology to boot. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ, he is the servant of the servants of God. As such he has a tremendous responsibility, and we give him due respect due to the fact that he represents God, Himself. But we certainly don't regard him as a god.

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Jesus Christ. Really. There is no Pope-like figure of all Baptists. This is because of the teachings of The Bible, such as the Priesthood of all believers and a direct releationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ the Son.

Who had the power over the Pope in Rome?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth. So obviously the only one who has power over him is God, Himself.

Does the Catholic Pope report to the pope in Alexandria?

Roman Catholic AnswerNo, the Holy Father in the Catholic Church is the Vicar of Christ, and the "Servant of the Servants of God". As such, he answers to God directly. The pope in Alexandria is a Patriarch as is the Pope in Rome, for that matter. The title "pope", like Father or Abbot is a courtesy form of address, and traditional for the Patriarch in Alexandria.

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He was appointed by Christ to be pope.