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The Space Shuttle Challenger was destroy on January 28th 1986 on Launching Complex 39 Pad B at the Kennedy Space Center. It was 73 second after lift off that killed all seven crew members that including a teacher

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Q: When did the Space Ship Challenger crash?
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When did the space shuttle 'Challenger' crash?

The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster occurred on January 28, 1986 at 11:38 am EST, when Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart immediately after take off.

What date did the space shuttles crash?

Challenger exploded in 1986. Columbia in 2003.

Were there any survivors of the space shuttle challenger?

the early 80's crash? no

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What was the name of the space ship that Sally Ride traveled on first?

the challenger

What did Sally rides husband die of?

he was a challenger and it bluw up when he was in the space ship

Where did the name for the space shuttle Challenger originate?

The Space Shuttle Challenger was named after the H.M.S. Challenger, a 19th Century British Naval ship that was later converted into a marine research vessel. The Challenger Expedition was a major contributor to modern Oceanography.

What was the name of Sally Ride's space ship?

Sally Ride went aloft in the space shuttle Challenger in 1983.

How did the explosion of the challenger space ship happen?

The explosion of the space shuttle Challenger was caused by a failure of an O-ring on it's right solid rocket booster shortly after liftoff.

How long was it before another space ship was launched after challenger?

Sometime after one year.

Can a space ship crash in the space and what will happen?

It can crash with another spaceship, sure. Or with a meteorite. What will happen depends on the severity of the crash, but quite often, the spaceship may be destroyed.

When did the space shuttle Endeavour crash?

Space shuttle Endeavour has not crashed. The shuttles Challenger and Columbia disintegrated in January 1986 and February 2003 respectively.