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Q: When did the blackout happen in Canada?
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What would happen if a blackout happened?


What is most likely to happen during a thunder storm?

a blackout

What year did NEW YORK blackout happend?

I believe the year 2003 which also spread across Canada

How the museum electrical system would work if an electrical blackout happen?

Back up generators

Could the survivors of a massive blackout get superpowers?

That would be very unlikely to happen and is in the realms of pure fantasy.

Where are blackout crew from?

the blackout crew are from bolton

Will there be a blackout in 2012?

yes there will be a blackout in2012

Where are The Blackout from?

The Blackout is from the Merthyr Tydfil, Wales.

What may happen if there is a blackout in a hospital?

Hospitals usually have their own electrical generators which take over in the event that mains power is lost.

Is 3 days blackout predicted to happen in December 2012?

Actually yes but stay calm and it will not harm we will have better and new universe

When does a blackout occur?

A blackout can occur after abusing alcohol.

When was The Blackout - band - created?

The Blackout - band - was created in 2003.