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Q: When did the blending of Greek and Eastern culture take place?
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What place did drama have in ancient Greek culture?

they usually had it in school

How did Greek culture influence Greek myths?

well the people needed reasons to explain why things took place so they invented gods and the Greek mythology

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What is Ohana East most noted for?

Ohana is a place at the south-eastern end of d'Urville Island in New Zealand. The eastern part of this place is not known for anything in particular. "Ohana" means "family" in the Hawaiian culture.

What impact did Hades have on the Greek culture?

They knew that after death they had a place to go, it wasn't a mystery and so gave comfort.

How did the Romans learn about Greek culture?

They were neighbour nations. All of south Italy and Sicily were greek colonies. Eventually Romans conquered the greek city-states, the last major battle taken place in 146 BC with the battle of Corinth.

Who were the people in the Persian war and where did it take place?

The war was between the Persian Empire and a confederation of independent Greek city-states 499-449 BCE. It took place in the Eastern Mediterranean littoral.

How did the Romans know about the Greek's ideas and their culture?

The island of Sicily was inhabited by the Greek people who were looking for a new place to live. When they got there, the Greek people kept their beliefs and shared them with the Italians. The Italian people enjoyed the stories and adopted the stories for themselves.

Where does cultural blending take place?

continental crossroads, trade routes, ports and the borders of countries are places were cultural blending commonly begins.................................................................... BTW i am in 9th grade your call to use this info........

English language will enable us to make this world a global villagediscuss?

A common culture for all of humanity would make the world a better place. This culture should evolve naturally from the blending of various civilizations. Currently English is the world's greatest language and the language of our global culture. Hopefully it can remain so for a long time and help to build a global identity which transcends national borders.

Which greek word means place?

The Greek word for "Place" is "θέση".