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Q: When did the earth first develop an atmosphere and oceans?
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What is the earth's first atmosphere primarily compose of?

the earth first atmosphere is troposphere

What is earths atmosphere is primarily composed of?

the earth first atmosphere is troposphere

What is the first layer of earth's atmosphere touching earth surface?


What is the first layer of the earth atmosphere touching earth surface is called?


How did condensation of water vapour form oceans?

The Formation of OceansThe volcanoes on early Earth pumped more and more water vapour into the atmosphere. This caused the atmosphere to change.As the water vapour increased and the temperature of the Earth and its atmosphere continued to fall. This caused water droplets to form in the atmosphere through a process called condensation.As the water droplets increased in size, they eventually fell to the surface of the Earth and accumulated. This was the beginning of the first oceans.The carbon dioxide gas reacted with the accumulated water (dissolution) and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere decreased. Eventually, living organisms appeared in the oceans. The organisms that evolved used the carbon dioxide available in the oceans in different ways. Some of the marine organisms incorporated the carbon dioxide into their shells. When those organisms died their shells accumulated on the floor of the oceans and became carbonate rocks.Other marine organisms began to use carbon dioxide in chemical reactions to produce sugars that they could store for energy and release oxygen into the atmosphere. This process is called photosynthesis. These organisms were the first primitive plants.Thanks!

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What physical features formed during earth 'first several hundred million years?

the atmosphere oceans and continents

What was the compsition of early atmosphere when the Earth first formed?

Water vapour (produced rain-rivers, lakes, oceans) carbon dioxide nitrogen

What is the earth's first atmosphere primarily compose of?

the earth first atmosphere is troposphere

What was most abundant gas in Earth's first atmosphere?

The most abundant element in earth's first atmosphere is nitrogen. This is a gas which makes 78% of the earth's atmosphere.

Why doesn't all the air just go into space?

Gravity holds it near Earth. Objects with less gravity, such as the Moon or Mercury, have lost most of their atmosphere - or didn't develop an atmosphere in the first place.

Did earth first oceans form?

It was about 4 billion years ago, that the Earths oceans formed

What is earths atmosphere is primarily composed of?

the earth first atmosphere is troposphere

When was the first atmosphere?

The idea to when first atmosphere was made is difficult. The atmosphere is present from the beginning. This allowed human life on earth.

Where did first life develop?

The first life developed in the oceans. That was so long ago that it has not been possible to tell where or in which ocean.

Scientists think the first water vapor on Earth came from?

From the oceans

How volcanic eruptions can be be helpful?

Vocanoes can be helpful because the earth's first oceans and atmosphere were formed from the gases given off by volcanoes. Volcanoes have also shaped the earth's landscape, many of our mountains, islands, and plains have been built by volcanic eruptions.

What is the first layer of earth's atmosphere touching earth surface?
