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Answerthe first residential school opened in1840 in mission B.C.

It is generally thought that residential schools were around from somewhere along 1870-1910. However, there are many sources that suggest some were still in effect well into the 1980s. The last one closed in 1996.

Initially, residential schools were used for the purpose of assimilation of Aboriginal Children. The concept was to "cure them" of their Aboriginal customs and heritage. By 1920, it was compulsory for ALL Aboriginal children aged 7-15 to attend residential schools. They were forcibly taken from their homes.

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12y ago

There are many reasons a particular school would be closed. Lack of sufficient enrollment, cost of building maintenance, budget cuts, etc. are all reasons schools are closed. Usually, local newspapers cover stories about schools closings. The particular reason a certain school was closed can probably be found in back issues of the newspaper at your local library.

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13y ago

The last residential school closed in 1996.

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12y ago

The last Indian residential school, White Calf Collegiate, in Canada was closed in 1996.

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12y ago

there was only schools like that out there because there where no one to teach those kids how to read and it was the only way how to learn and it would get you ready for the future

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10y ago

Gordon Residential School in SK and St. Michael's Indian Residential School (Duck Lake Indian Residential School) in Sk closed in 1996.

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When did the last residential school in Canada?

The last residential school closed in 1996.

When did the last residential school close?

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