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Q: When did the liberation of the holocaust prisoners take place and who were the liberation?
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When did the liberation of the holocaust take place?

The prisoners in the various Nazi concentration camps were liberated over several months in the winter and spring of 1945, as the Allied armies advanced into the territory where they were located.

Where did the holocaust conflict take place?

The Holocaust was not a conflict, it was entirely one-sided, but it took place in Europe.

What year did the book Number the Stars take place in?

it took place in the 1940s.that is when the holocaust took place. this book is all about the holocaust.

How many places did the Holocaust take place?

The holocaust took place in Germany and in German occupied parts of Europe.

Did the Holocaust take place in Scandinavia?

yes, but it was nothing compared with the Holocaust in eastern Europe.

Where did the liberation of holland take place?

In Hotel de Wereld in Wageningen

Where did the conflict of the holocaust take place?

there was no real conflict of the Holocaust, it was very one-sided, but it took place in occupied Europe.

What were the people made to work hard at concentration camps during holocaust called?

criminals, inmates, prisoners - take your pick.

Did the Holocaust take place in Australia?

No. You might be thinking of Austria.

Did the Holocaust take place in Switzerland?

no - Switzerland was a neutral country

Did the Palestinian holocaust take place at Gaza?

Yes I think it did

Does the story the boy in the striped pajamas take place during the holocaust?

yes, this fictional story is set in the Holocaust.