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Q: When did the three apostles see Jesus with moses and Elijah?
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Moses. Elijah, Jesus

Was the faith of the apostles confirmed in the Transfiguration?

A:Jesus took Peter, James and John up into a high mountain, where his appearance changed, and they saw him talking to two strangers and heard the voice of God. Somehow, the disciples knew without question that the strangers talking to Jesus were Moses and Elijah. Read literally, the sole reason for this journey was to let the three disciples see Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah, yet they learnt nothing from the experience and were even instructed to tell no one. In spite of this life-changing event, and its apparently absolute proof that Jesus was the Messiah, Peter went on to deny Jesus. If the Transfiguration ever happened, this shows that whatever faith the apostles had was not confirmed by this experience. It must be that they were less sure of who the strangers were than is suggested in the gospel story - why the disciples even thought the men were Moses and Elijah is not stated.

Which three disciples witnessed Jesus' transfiguration?

A:Jesus took Peter, James and John up into a high mountain, where his appearance changed, and they saw him talking to two strangers and heard the voice of God. Somehow, the disciples knew without question that the strangers talking to Jesus were Moses and Elijah.

Who are the three men who went to heaven without dying?

Elijah and Esau.

Why did Peter suggest he erect shelters for Jesus Moses and Elijah?

Mark:9:5-6:5: And Peter answered and said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.6: For he wist not to say; for they were sore afraid.

What happened to Jesus as he stood before his disciples when he was being transfigured?

The original New Testament account of the transfiguration is in Mark chapter 9. Jesus took Peter, James and John up into a high mountain, where his appearance changed and his garments became shining and as white as snow. The disciples saw him talking to Moses and Elijah. Mark's Gospel does not say in what way his appearance changed, but Matthew added that his face shone like the sun. The disciples somehow knew without question that the strangers talking to Jesus were Moses and Elijah and offered to build three tabernacles, one each for Jesus, Moses and Elijah. Read literally, the sole reason for this journey was to let the three disciples see Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah. Yet they learnt nothing from the experience and were even instructed to tell no one. In spite of this life-changing event, and its supposedly absolute proof that Jesus was the Messiah, Peter went on to deny Jesus.

Why did Moses and Elijah visit Jesus?

Moses and Elijah visited Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration to signify the fulfillment of the law and the prophets in Jesus. Their presence also confirmed Jesus' identity as the long-awaited Messiah and allowed Peter, James, and John to witness a glimpse of Jesus' glory.

What were the names of the three disciples who were on the mount of transfiguration with Jesus?

AnswerAccording to Mark chapter 9, Peter, James and John witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus and saw him talking to Moses and Elias (Elijah). however, it seems they learnt nothing from the experience and were even instructed to tell no one. And, in spite of this life-changing event, and its supposedly absolute proof that Jesus was the Messiah, Peter went on to deny Jesus.

Three things the apostles says about Jesus?

All the apostles do agree that Jesus was born and died for us and rose again.

What does the Transfiguration mean painted by Raphael?

The upper part The Transfiguration of Jesus is an event reported by three of the Gospels in which Jesus is transfigured upon a mountain (one is Matthew 17: 1-9). Jesus became radiant, spoke with Moses and Elijah, and was called "Son" by God. Peter, James and John were with Jesus upon the mountain. The transfiguration put Jesus above Moses and Elijah, the two preeminent figures of Judaism.The lower part is a different scene from the Bible, in which the disciples fail to cure a sick boy.

Who among the apostles denied Jesus before Jesus was arrested?

It was Peter who denied Jesus three times.

Did Moses show up after he left the people?

Yes the three disciples saw him along with Elijah.