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Q: When did they stop wrapping mummies?
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What are mummies used for in the present?

wapping poper=wrapping papper

Why are mummies in pyramids?

Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife and preserved their deceased pharaohs in mummies by removing organs and wrapping them in linen to protect the body. Pyramids were built as tombs to house these mummies and provide a place for the pharaoh to continue their journey in the afterlife.

Which country is best known for linen?

Irish linen is well regarded but Egypt has used it for millennium especially in wrapping of mummies.

When did they stop putting mummies in pyramids?

this morning

What Figure tucked in between the mummy's layers of wrapping?

Amulets were wrapped in between the layers of Ancient Egyptian mummies (only if the person was at least upper middle class)

How did egyptians stop mummies from decaying?

They would put the mummies through a mummification progress. They would first get the body and put nitron all over the body after they took the organs out. Then they would let the mummy sit for about 40 days. Then they would take them out and start wrapping them, and put charms and amulets on them as they wrapped from the head to the feet. Once this was all done a priest would pray over the mummy and then people would set up the funeral.

Why are the mummies underground?

Mummies are under ground because they are ancient. The Egyptians also buried the mummies and by the time the dust buried it more and more. That's why archaeologists have to dig the ground to find artifacts.

How many different types of mummies are there?

There are naturally preserved mummies which include:desert mummies , freeze dried mummies/ refrigerated mummies, bog bodies,Deliberately preserved mummies which include:egyptian mummies, chinese mummies, aleutian island mummy , Incan mummies and modern mummies

What is the royal mummies?

The tombs of the original royal mummies were subjected to robberies. In order to stop this, many were removed from their original tombs and buried in a secret place. They are now in an Egyptian Museum in Cairo after being discovered.

What are tar mummies?

tar mummies are mummies that were preserved in tar

What is wrappings of the mummy as a possessive noun?

The wrappings of the mummy is a possessive noun phrase indicating that the wrappings belong to the mummy. It shows ownership or association between the mummy and the wrappings.

Why did they stop making mummies in ancient Egypt?

The simple answer is that the civilization collapsed and the religion that practiced this could no longer afford it