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June 12, 2010 was the last day of principle Photography

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Q: When did they when did they finish filming Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part2?
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What are some quotes from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

"Let's finish this the way we started... TOGETHER!!!"

When are the septimus Heap auditions Will there be a movie of Septimus Heap Where are the auditions for sptimus heap Where are the auditions for septimus Heap When are there auditions for sept?

Yes there will be a septimus heap movie :) :) but warner bros have to finish with Harry Potter and the deathly hallows(They finish filming the deathly hallows on April 2010) and then they can start septimus heap. so we don't know when the auditions are yet :(

Who kills beletrix in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

Molly Weasley kills Bellatrix Lestrange in a duel, when Bellatrix was attempting to finish of her daughter. This happens near the end of the Battle of Hogwarts, in Harry Potter and thhe Deathly Hallows.

Where can you watch the first 36 minutes of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

At the theater when it's released. It's up to you whether you want to finish it.

When were the Harry Potter films filmed?

Sorcerers Stone:2001 Chamber Of Secrets:2002 Prisoner Of Azkaban:2004 Goblet Of Fire:2005 Order Of The Phoenix:2007 Half-Blood Prince:2009 Deathly Hallows Part1 :2010 dEATHLY hALLOWS PART2:2010

When did JK Rowling finish writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

J.K. Rowling finished writing the novel Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in January 2007. It was officially released on July 21, 2007.

Can you replay levels in Deathly Hallows once you finish it?

you have no life loser

Who played Severus Snape in the Harry Potter movies?

Alec Hopkins plays teenage Snape in the flashbacks in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Whether he will play young Snape again in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I am not sure.

Is Grawp in the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

He was in the books. If he was in Order Of The Pheonix the movie then he will probably be in the movie Deathly Hallows, but there's only so much you can fit in a two-part movie you're hurrying to finish before all the kids grow up too much.

Why Will there not be anymore Harry Potter books?

no. harry potter and the deathly hallows was the final book in j.k rowlings installment of the series. She also has stated in many interviews that she could continue the story, but she feels that it should end with a strong finish....and she feels that it does.

Have they finished filming Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

Part one is finished. Part two on IMDB has updated to say that the film is in post-production which means - yes it has. However the cast, particularly Tom Felton, has said in several interviews that they won't finish filming the epilogue scenes until June. None of the main cast have have tweeted to say they are finished with Potter and that's something Tom Felton would do. No they haven't finished they still have a few weeks left.

When did Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince finish filming?

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was finished filming on May 17th 2008.