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Training started when you were only 7. imagine if you were 7 and got taken away from your family :(

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Q: When did war training start in Sparta?
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What war did Sparta start with Athenians?

The Peloponnesian War .

What did ancient Sparta do for activies?

When they weren't fighting in a war, Spartans were training.

Do Sparta welcome writing and reading?

Sparta was a society that valued physical training and military prowess over intellectual pursuits like writing and reading. Education in Sparta focused on training for combat and preparing for war, with reading and writing considered secondary skills.

How did the Athens Sparta war start?

It came to a head when Athens tried to destroy economically Megara, an ally of Sparta. The Peloponnesian League led by Sparta demanded this stop, Athens refused. War ensued.

What did Sparta use to do back in there city?

A typical spartan day involves vigorous training and preparing for any war

How did Sparta live?

People that live in Sparta are actually known as Spartans, Spartans lived in an age of war and the daily routine revolved around physical fitness and military training.

What military technique help Sparta become so strong?

Training - as Sparta was supported by a serf population, the Spartan men were able to devote themselves to training for war, while its opponents had to work and farm for a living and so spent only a day a month on traaining.

How did Messenia help the Spartan men?

Sparta turned its people into serfs who gave half their produce to Sparta. So supported, the Spartans were able to devote their own time to training for war,

Did Sparta have no training walls?

Yes, sparts did have training walls :)

When did the peloponnesian war start and end?

The Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta was a conflict lasting from 431 to 404 BC .

Who eventually won the anthens and Sparta war?

Sparta won the war.

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