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the temperature of your body cells

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Q: When discussing the reproduction body system what occurs in during fertilization?
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What type of reproduction does fertilization take place?

It occurs in a sexual reproduction. I hope this answers your question!!

Where fertilisation occurs in a butterfly?

Fertilization of eggs in butterfly reproduction occurs during a vigorous mating ritual. The female butterfly then lays and abandons her eggs.

What type of cell reproduction takes place once fertilization occurs?


A reproduction process in which fertilization occurs within a single plant is called?

monohybrid cross

What stage is the fertilisation egg termed to an embryo?

Fertilization occurs when a sperm and egg fuse together during reproduction. The stage that the fertilized egg is termed an embryo occurs about 1 day after conception.

What unites during fertilization?

During fertilization the sperm unites with the egg. This typically occurs in the fallopian tube.

When does fertilization occur during the gymnosperms life cycle?

it occurs when it occurs

Meiosis occurs during?


How meiosis help in generating variations?

Meiosis generates variations due to activities like independent assortment of chromosomes, crossing over and random fertilization that occur during the process. Meiosis occurs during sexual reproduction.

Does a earth worm reproduction take place externally?

Fertilization occurs internally. The fertilized eggs are then released and mature externally.

What happens when gametes fuse during reproduction?

They form a zygote. A zygote is a single cell with the full (diploid) complement of chromosomes. In the case of a multicellular organism the zygote will multiply into a mass of daughter cells called an embryo.

What happened doing fertilize?

If your question is what happens during fertilization? the answer varies. If your are speaking about sexual reproduction then fertilization occurs when the sperm and egg combine. Basically the first sperm to get to the egg keeps it. The egg hardens to keep excess sperm from entering. (of course some errors can occur which will lead to defects, twins, triplets, etc.) There are many other phases to the reproduction process but fertilization is basically when the egg and sperm combine.