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Female dogs of all breeds have menses (called the "heat cycle", or estrus) twice a year on average starting at around 7-10 months of age.

A female dog will gain the most in health benefits if they are spayed before they have their first heat cycle.

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Q: When do English cocker spaniels go into menses?
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Do cocker spaniels get along with other Cocker spaniels?

Yes. they should do :) They are a lovely breed of dog. The only aggressive Cocker spaniels I have met are golden cockers. But if you've had a cocker spaniel for many years, and then decide to bring home a puppy, they might get a little jealous. So be careful. but if you get them the same time. it should be fine :) x

Cocker spaniels are special because?

Today or yesterday? There was a type of dog referred to as a 'spaniel'. Spaniels were special because they made it easier for families to eat well. The spaniels were used to help catch or flush out birds so that us humans could kill the birds and eat them. Back then they did not have grocery stores in which to buy their foods and folks actually had to get up early and go find food. Many different types of Spaniels were bred for the many different types of bird hunting which then begot our Cocker spaniels who specialized in the 'cocks' which is a type of small bird. Today the Cocker spaniel is a family companion dog mostly but they do have many years of genetic bird flushing skills locked into their genes.

Why do cocker spaniels go crazy when hearing a whistle?

Most likely because a whistle is a high sound like a bird. Spaniels are bred to flush out birds in a wreckless an d untrained (even adorable XD) manner. It's probably inacting its hunting instinct.

The Cocker Spaniel Might Be The Dog For You?

If you’re interested in bringing a dog into your life, the cocker spaniel might be the dog of your dreams. This sturdy pooch is mid-sized and ready to work at any available opportunity. They’re of moderate intelligence, but most noticeable about them is their unbelievably sweet disposition. Few people can resist taking home a cocker spaniel that has looked them directly in the eyes. They practically beg you to be their owner and give them dog food. Be warned, though: This is a dog that needs to get its exercise. If you don’t exercise your cocker spaniel enough, its behavior will go from sweet to troublesome. Excessive barking is a sure sign that your cocker spaniel needs to get more exercise and less rest-time. The American cocker spaniels that we know and love are descended from 14th century English cocker spaniels. Chances are that 14th century English cocker spaniels were also 15-30 pounds, just like today’s American cocker spaniels. They were used to for bird hunting and some spaniels today are used for that reason also. They are excellent bird dogs. Your dog needs more than just exercise. It will need a mix of exercise, affection, and rest in order to live its life to the fullest. Make sure to take your cocker spaniel for regular visits to the vet. Cataracts and hip dysplasia are common medical conditions found in the breed. One of the biggest decisions facing you will be where to buy the cocker spaniel. They’re available at pet stores but you can find them at animal shelters as well. Mixed breeds will have some of the traits of the spaniel as well. Wherever you buy your dog, make sure that it didn’t come from a puppy mill. Buying a shelter dog is one of the ways to rule out that the dog was the product of a puppy mill. No one operates a puppy mill and then gives the pups away for free. When you bring your new cocker spaniel home, you’ll have a faithful friend for life. Read a lot of literature about training your new dog and be the leader that it needs in order to be a happy canine.

What is the cheapest breed of puppy?

As far as I know, Cocker Spaniels aren't very expensive. But before you go spend all that, money, see if you can find one at the Humane Society. They are 80 dollars there and you would give a home to a homeless animal!

How many miles per hour do Cocker Spaniels go?

Really fast!! I've got a cocker Spaniel and we entered her in a race once in a dog competition. She beat a gray hound without even trying! :)

Do staffies go well with cocker spaniels?

It all depends. If one is a mean dog that does not like other dogs then no. It is always best to get them both as pups, but if you don't just train them to like each other and/or make sure they know YOU overpower both of them and one does not over power the other.

Do cocker spaniels train easily?

yes and no. they are good dogs, however when they get older, they tend to get mean and cranky. this isn't the case with all, but many that i have seen. so this may not be the best breed if you have a family and young kids.

What is the difference between a King Charles spaniel and a cavalier King Charles spaniel?

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel as we know it today was not given official Kennel Club recognition until 1945. The King Charles Spaniel whose history has been documented since the 15th Century has its origins in the courts of Europe. In 2000 only 185 King Charles Spaniel puppies were registered with the U.K. Kennel Club while the registrations for Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies exceeded 11,400.

Where do they sell webkinz cocker spaniels?

you can go to any webkinz retailer near you and see if they sell it, or you can go to and click on store retailer, click on webkinz pets and then enter your information. there!!!!! i hope ite helped!! you can go to any webkinz retailer near you and see if they sell it, or you can go to and click on store retailer, click on webkinz pets and then enter your information. there!!!!! i hope ite helped!!

9 months delayed menses?

If you are not pregnant go see a doctor since you might have a hormonal problem.

Is it better to have two cockers in the house then one. We have a 4yr old female and thinking of getting another cocker will they get along?

I would say to go to the pet store with ur cocker and look @ another cocker 2 c if they get along. if they dont go back another time and look @ a diff 1 casue its not the breed its there temperment.