

When do cells start dividing?

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13y ago

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cell divide beginning in telophase of mitosis and milosis......the rest of the cytoplasm splits during cytokinesis.

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Q: When do cells start dividing?
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Does cancer start when cells stop growing and dividing?

everybody is born with cancer cell. No cancer does not start when cells have stoped growing and dividing. it is simply because the cancer cells are getting agrrivated witch makes it start.

What are dividing cells?

They are cells that are reproducing.

What happens if cells do not know when to stop dividing?

when cells keep dividing it causes cancer

When cells touch do they stop dividing?

Cells usually stop dividing when they touch one another.

How do cells multiply by dividing?

Cells multiply by dividing ( which is an oxymoron) is done by the process called Mitosis.

Do liver cells also stop dividing after birth?

All cells will stop dividing when you die. When you're born, cells slow down the dividing, but don't completely stop.

What layer of skin has living and dividing cells?

Stratum basale is the layer of skin that has living and dividing cells.

The fastest dividing human cells?

epithelial cells

How do cells go from one cell to a trillion cells?

cells multiply by dividing them

What is the process of cells dividing?


Do all cells grow and divide at the same time?

Most cells do not continuously divide. These cells enter the G0 phase of the cell cycle after dividing and do not begin diving again until stimulated to do so. Growth factors, nutrients, etc. are required to make these start dividing again. When these cells are needed, the appropriate growth factors will be introduced, and then they will begin dividing again. Some cells do continuously divide, such as epithelial (skin) cells. The cells that keep on dividing, even though they are not supposed to, are cancer cells. They eat up all your nutrients and form tumors etc.