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Q: When do foster parents get there check for the foster kids?
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Definition of a foster family?

Foster parents, are people, other than a kid's parents, who give a kid a safe place to live and grow. Foster parents take kids into their homes and take care of them for as long as kids need. Together, they become a foster family.

How do foster parents help kids in need?

I don't know why are you asking me?

If you become foster parents will the state help us with financial help for the kids?


Are foster kids allowed to have sexual contact with the foster parents kids?

umm well theres actually no rule against it. No one ever thought about it. So i guess that makes it NOT illegal.

What is the definition of a foster home?

A foster home is a household in which a child is given parental care by someone other than its birth parents or adoptive parent. A foster home is basically where kids go that have no parents whatsoever until they are adopted.

How come some foster care kids are unable to be adopted?

Because the birth parents say no.

Why do most kids get abused in foster care?

not the real parents and like to punish them

How many kids are neglected by their parents?

a lot i feel really bad for some kids because they get abused....there parents are usually alcoholics or they do drugs. those poor kids...the police would usually send the kids to a foster home.

What are the children's home like in chembakolli?

it is were a kids parents died and it is basically a camp form of a foster home.

Do American taxpayers pay for kids in foster care?

Yes. Who else could...obviously the parents are out of the picture.

How many foster kids did Hitler have?

Hitler did not foster kids. He had 4 children. 2 girls, and 2 boys. I work in the Washington D.C National musuem of the Holocaust. Go check for yourself.

What is the purpose of charity for foster kids?

Foster children typically become foster children because their parents abused or neglected them. Their childhood is frequently very unsettled. They are frequently moved and have very little stability in their lives. Organizations like Royal Family Kids Camps provide a week of camp for these kids. It can change lives.It is not uncommon for a foster child to have never had a birthday party, to be separated from their biological brothers and sister, and to lack many of the stabilizing influences of normal childhood. Statistically, foster children are more likely to end up unemployed, homeless or worse. Charity to benefit foster kids can change lives. To see more about the impacts it can have, check out