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they dont, but uranus gives off blueish greenish color gas ( that is possinis )

and it gives off more energy then it gets from the sun.

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Q: When do high temperatures reaches Uranus?
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High and low temperatures of uranus?

High 5000 degrees Low -357 degrees

Why is Uranus' ocean hot?

Uranus' ocean is hot due to the atmosphere in the planet. The surface is said to be made of an ocean that is very hot at extremely high temperatures.

Does Uranus have the coldest temperatures?

Yes, the average temperatures are -184.C.

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Uranus is considered an Ice Giant because of its sub-zero temperatures and it its high composition of ice. Edit: It isn't quite that simple. The "ices" will be at a high temperature deep inside Uranus. But the very high pressures there keep them as solids. It's an example of how scientists use words in ways that can mislead people.

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Would People choke in atmostehere of Uranus?

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Does land reaches higher temperatures than water?

no it doen't

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