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Scientists currently think that life got started between 3.8 and 3.5 billion years ago, probably less than a billion year after the formation of the Earth. It is certain that life existed by 2.7 billion years ago.

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Scientists believe that life on Earth began around 3.5 to 4 billion years ago. This early life likely consisted of simple microorganisms like bacteria. The exact timeline of when life started is still a topic of ongoing research and debate in the scientific community.

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Q: When do scientists think that life started?
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What is the theory in science of how life was started?

The theory of how life started is known as abiogenesis, which proposes that life emerged from non-living matter through natural processes. This theory suggests that simple organic molecules eventually formed more complex structures that evolved into the first living organisms. Scientists investigate this process through experiments and studying early Earth conditions to understand the origins of life.

Why do scientists think that photosynthetic prokaryotes were not the first life forms on Earth?

Scientists suggest that photosynthetic prokaryotes were not the first life forms on Earth because the conditions on early Earth were likely not conducive to sustaining photosynthesis. It is believed that simpler forms of life, such as chemotrophic prokaryotes, which obtain energy through chemical reactions, may have been the first life forms to evolve. Over time, photosynthetic prokaryotes evolved as the environment changed and oxygen started accumulating in the atmosphere.

Where do some scientists think the simple bacteria the were once the only form of life on earth originated?

in swapty forsets

Why do scientists think life began in africia?

Scientists believe life may have originated in Africa because the continent has a diverse range of habitats and a long history of supporting life. Fossil evidence suggests that early human ancestors originated in Africa, leading to the idea that life itself may have emerged there as well. Additionally, Africa's unique geology and climate are believed to have provided favorable conditions for the development of early life forms.

True or false Scientists think that the first life forms on earths probably did arise from nonliving materials?

True. Scientists believe that the first life forms on Earth likely arose from nonliving materials through a process known as abiogenesis. This theory suggests that simple organic molecules gradually evolved into more complex structures that eventually led to the development of life.

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The scientists think that Europa can have the life on it.

Why do scientists think that life may have started at the bottom of the sea?

They found organisms from the earliest times that appear to be sea creatures.

What do scientists think started the universe?

The big bang or a wormhole

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Scientists think that all life evolved from the ocean, because that's where all life started. Animals come out of the ocean and through many generations, they get characteristics that help them survive.

Where do scientists think life began?

God created all the universe and all life that exist! He made allThis is one belief that is shared among all Christians. However, some scientists believe that life started 4.5 billion years ago in Africa. It then evolved and spread out across the world.

What do scientists think were the first characteristics of first life forms?

DNA I think

When do scientists think life began?

It depends on what relign you are practicing.

Are there any specific planets scientists think there is life on?


Where exactly did hindus come from?

They come from the Indus valley. For more info go to wikipedia.

How does biological spectrum of life started?

I think you are a sperm first.

What historic events happened during isaac newtons life?

The answer can be simply answered through his name. During Newtons life, the world experienced a Scientific Revolution, mainly based around his findings. Other scientists such as Galileo, Copernicus as well as philosophers started to think differently from life, moving away from religion and into scientific theory.This started the Enlightenment Era.

Does any other planet have life?

It is not have been prove yet, but scientists think there might be a chance of life in the planet Mars.