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early to mid 20s but everyone is different

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Q: When do strong sexual urges and dreams stop for a teenager?
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I'm a teenager and i have not started getting periods yet can i still get sexual urges?

yes. you can. you just can't be prego yet.

Is Robert Browning Gay?

Yes! He has very strong sexual urges towards the male form.

Is it normal to have sexual urges for animals?

No it is not normal to have sexual urges for animals and is a twisted fetish.

Does your recurring sex dream about someone you have strong feeling for mean you love him?

No, having sex dreams about a person reflect nothing more than physical attraction and normal bodily urges. They are triggered by sexual hormones that have no real connection with actual love.

I have strong sexual urges and I'm 14?

Its normal. Ur going through puberty still, and that's what happens. Ur not wierd.

Why are you not horny?

Some people's sexual urges are not as strong as others. Everyone is different. Don't worry too much about it, but accept it as part of your personality.

Is sex strong?

Sexual urges are stronger than hunger urges, most people would say. But, like everything in life, sex has a time and place. When hungry, thirsty, etc. we aren't thinking about sexual urges. Sex and masturbation is like using a spice on food---a little is nice but you wouldn't want the entire spice used every day.

Does lemon juice prevent sexual urges?


Are Homosexuals as likely to control their sexual urges as are heterosexuals?

Sexual behavior and control of sexual urges vary greatly among individuals, regardless of sexual orientation. There is no evidence to suggest that homosexuals are more or less likely than heterosexuals to control their sexual urges. It is important to avoid making generalizations based on sexual orientation.

Does watching Pokemon influence sexual urges?

Not normally.

If its human to have sexual urges outside of marriage isn't this a catch 22 when God passes judgment?

Yes it is natural to have these sexual urges, but we must not fall into lust and then sin.

If you get castrated will you still have sexual urges?

Yes, you likely would. However, they would not be as strong nor as frequent as before, for several reasons involving the balance of the body's various systems.