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I have noticed with the swans on our river, that they nest during April and May. The babies stay with the parents all summer and fall, then in late January or February the babies are just gone 1 day. I have watched this happen for the last 4 years. I haven't seen the process of the babies leaving or how it happens, all I know is that they are just gone 1 day.

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Q: When do swans chase off their babies?
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How many babies can a swan have?

Swans have 4 to 7 babies in their life

How do swans have babies?

4 to 7 in a clutch

How do swans get babies?

So that they can have more of them to live on Earth.

How many babies do swans have?

4 to 7 in a clutch

Can swans can have 9 babies?

there is a swan in a lake by my house has 13 sygnets is the a world record

What is a envioronmentially safe way to remove geese from a beach?

I hear that putting up colorful flags will scare them off. Remove cattails or any ocean grasses they can hide in and depending on where you live, introduce swans into the area. Swans are very territorial and don't like anyone hanging out at their pond, they will chase off geese. I would just wait it out because they will move on their own.

Is a swan a natural enemy of geese?

Yes, many species of ducks and geese will feed in the same areas, such as rice fields or marshes. In domestic areas, they may not spend time together, but I don't think they'll injure each other.

Do swans leave there babies in there habitat?

about seven months. the babies stay thirty five days in the eggs and they stay with its mother for 6 months.

Does a swan swim respectfully?

I don't know about respectfully. But a swan is quite able to swim gracefully! Swans chase geese and ducks.

How high off the ground do swans fly?

15 ft

Can a duck fly with her babies on her back?

No ducks can not fly nor glide with their babies on their backs. Geese, Swans and some larger species of Ducks will swim while carrying their young but not fly

Is a swan born alive or hatch from a egg?

Lay eggs, (of course! they're birds) Swans have their babies by laying eggs. Birds do not give live birth like mammals do.