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Q: When do you cut a boston terrier puppy tail?
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Does a Shorkie puppy's tail get cut?

A Shorkie adults tail only gets cut when it is frightened. A puppy does not.

Why cut a boxer puppy's tail?

for looks

How do you shave a Staffordshire bull terrier's tail?

This should rather be done by a professional as it can be easy to cut the dog.

Your yorkie terrier puppy is bleeding what does that mean?

it means he/she's cut or hurt smart one. Or if its a female she's probably on her period

What age should you take your Yorkshire puppy to the vet to get his tail cut?

At a similar age to when you had your coccyx severed.

If a puppy tail get cut off will it grow back?

No it will not grow back. Dogs do not have the ability to regrow limbs.

How long should you leave the puppy dog tail?

You really shouldn't "dock" or cut a dog's tail off. But as far as natural length goes, it depends on the breeds.

How do you cut a puppy's tail?

YOU DON'T! You need a veterinarian to do this properly!!

Do people cut Boston terriers tails?

No, never. Bostons don't have much of a tail other then a small corkscrew and you leave it alone. If you get a Boston with a tail it is not full bred but don't ever dock it. I doubt a vet would anyway.

What to put on a rottweiller tails after being cut off at home?

I used neo sporin ointment on my puppy's tail when I got her because the breeder was too cheap or ignorant to have a vet dock her tail and it healed OK.

what did the monkey say when he cut of his tail?

"Why do i need to cut my tail" said the monkey

How do you bob rat terrier tails?

Tail bobbing should only be done by a licensed vet, since it is major surgery. Both skin and bone needs to be cut, and the skin stitched to cover the wound. Tail bobbing is loosing popularity in the United States, but is still required by many breed standards. Some rat terrier puppies are born with bobbed tails. Mine was!